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- Categoria: English Content
- Última atualização: 27 Agosto 2020
The Institute of Biology Roberto Alcantara Gomes (IBRAG) belongs to Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ), and has the following structure:
- UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM - Students have two options: Bachelor's Program, that prepares students for professional careers in the field of interest in three modalities (biotechnology, health, environment and biodiversity) or Teaching Program.
- TEACHING OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES TO DISTANCE LEARNING - Distance Undergraduate Pedagogy Course in Poles CEDERJ (Centre for Distance Undergraduate Teaching in the State of Rio de Janeiro.): Magé, Nova Friburgo, Paracambi, Resende.
- MASTER'S GRADUATES AND DOCTORAL PROGRAMMES - PPGB,(Biology and Bioscience); PGBHEx (Experimental and Human Biology); PGBV (Plant Biology); PGEE (Ecology and Evolution); PPGMA (Environment).
- Center of Environmental Studies and Sustainable Development (CEADS) - Many teaching and research activities are carried out in this Campus in research lines related to conservation and environmental control; biodiversity and sustainable development; society, education and environment; global changes; marine aquaculture; zoology; biological oceanography; and environmental education. The CEADS is located in the village Dois Rios, Ilha Grande, Angra dos Reis, RJ.
- IBRAG has 13 departments located in two separate buildings, one of them in Hospital Pedro Ernesto, Vila Isabel and the other in Campus Maracanã. The address of director is Boulevard 28 de Setembro, 87 – CEP 20551-030. Tel.:55 21 2868-8388. Vila Isabel, RJ. O endereço de e-mail address está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa ativar o JavaScript enabled para vê-lo.